その理由を JTDX開発チームの Igorさん が解説していますので許可貰って転載いたします。
There are several reasons we had withdrawn WSJT-X approach to calculate SNR of FT8 signals:
- WSJT-X algorithm completely breaking SNR calculation if narrow filter is selected in receiver while keeping wide audio bandwidth in SW waterfall.
- WSJT-X algorithm is based on the code we had to delete to improve FT8 decoder sensitivity.
- WSJT-X approach to evaluate noise in wide bandwidth would increase number of CPU cycles and FT8 interval decoding time if implemented in JTDX multithreaded FT8 decoder where we split whole spectrum to several threads.
For this reasons we did develop own algorithm of SNR calculation in FT8 signal bandwidth, 50Hz, that is why in overcrowded band conditions one can often observe SNR different to WSJT-X.
You can find our SNR algorithm in ft8b.f90 source code, it had several changes\patches before and IMD it is in good shape now, while any possible improvement would be appreciated.
Due to the multipath decoding approach with signal subtraction It is difficult to say which algorithm has better accuracy, as any overlapped signal will get different SNR value if decoded before or after subtraction of any QRM-ing signal.
73 Igor
- WSJT-Xアルゴリズムは、SWウォーターフォールで広いオーディオ帯域幅を維持しながら、レシーバーで狭いフィルターを選択した場合、SNRの計算を完全に破壊してしまいます。
- WSJT-Xアルゴリズムは、FT8デコーダの感度を向上させるために削除したコードに基づいています。
- 広帯域のノイズを評価するWSJT-Xのアプローチは、スペクトル全体を複数のスレッドに分割したJTDXマルチスレッドFT8デコーダに実装すると、CPUサイクル数とFT8インターバルデコード時間が増加します。
There is the only difference: JTDX evaluates noise in the 50Hz bandwidth of FT8 signal, not whole waterfall bandwidth. Any signal compression(if signal is not fit in the receiver's/RX path's dynamic range) or IMD in receiver will affect SNR in JTDX, while WSJT-X will not show user has issues in the receiver.
違いはそこだけです。JTDX は FT8 信号の 50Hz の帯域幅でノイズを評価します、ウォーターフォール帯域幅全体ではありません。信号の圧縮(信号が受信機/RXパスのダイナミックレンジに収まらない場合)や受信機のIMDは、JTDXではSNRに影響を与えますが、WSJT-Xでは受信機に問題があることは表示されません。