2020 関東UHFコンテスト参加 ― 2020年02月11日 16時28分21秒
まもなく公開 JTDX-2.1.0-rc148 ― 2020年02月21日 08時37分30秒
- minor changes to Spt/Menu controls view, reversed broken Pwr slider appearance
- 'fusion' is set as default JTDX style, '-style=windows' key in JTDX launching shortcut will switch 'fusion' style off
- crossband 160m band operation with Japan is moved to option for all scenarios but EU-JA QSO, by default crossband is enabled, can be switched off in Misc tab of main window UI
- patch to possible marker misalignment in QSO RX frequency messages window triggered at double click on message
- messages like '73' shall not be treated as 'reply to other' while correspondent using multislot transmission
- prevent calling on Fox frequency when user resuming TX after three unsuccessful TX attempts
- added optional broadcast of logged QSO ADIF message to secondary UDP server, the same message format as in WSJT-X being used, controls are in 'Reporting' tab of configuration settings, same message format as in WSJT-X is used
- 'Logged ADIF' UDP message addressed to primary UDP server now is optional, can be activated in 'Reporting' tab of configuration settings
- main frequencies introduced, marked in frequency list by asterisk. At mode change JTDX will be selecting main frequency rather than Fox frequency.
Some frequently used DXpedition frequencies added as default values in the frequency list. Main mode&band frequencies can be deleted by user, 'reset frequency list' will recover default frequencies
- six-pass SWL option is withdrawn from FT8 decoder
- implemented up to 3 cycles of FT8 decoding (each cycle has three decoding passes, six-pass SWL mode was two cycle decoding), one cycle is set by default, two or three cycles can be activated independently for operation and SWL modes.
Withdrawn multicycle FT8 decoding dependency on number of running JTDX instances. Still there shall be more than 3 threads used in FT8 decoder to get multicyle decoding active in SWL mode.
- Hint button shall be switched on in FT8 mode by default(first launch of JTDX or if .ini file is deleted)
- automatic FT8 decoder thread selection shall spare one thread to other tasks if CPU has more than 2 logical cores. If user sure in flawless CPU & software functionality he|she can bring back decoding time selecting manually number of FT8 decoder threads equal to number of CPU logical cores.
- FT8 decoder AP masks related code cleanup
- main window UI: CAT recovery button is moved up close to frequency label, minor changes to top/right side buttons allocation
- thinning FT8 candidate list based on the sync pattern quality: 3..15% decrease of decoding time of FT8 interval
- upon accepting configuration settings JTDX shall retain current VFO frequency if it matches to a frequency in the list, else shall set main mode&band frequency
- patch for counters when doubleclicked on call which is not in history (no CQ or 73 like messages received from this callsign), first counter did not work in such scenario
- ALLCALL7.TXT is now being used for filtering false FT8 decodes with support of 7-char Australian callsigns, ALLCALL.TXT is not used anymore
- filtering false decodes: faster callsign search in the ALLCALL7 based list via block data access
- added checking for false FT4 decodes starting from "TU; "
- added SNR and DT criteria for checking FT8 false decodes containing " R "
- one more attempt to eliminate 'CQ DE AA00' false FT8 decode, it was likely coming from OSD decoder with AP mask in presence of strong signal on the band
- LoTW users list is updated, cty.dat file is updated to version CTY-3004
- ALLCALL7.TXT is updated to 111851 callsigns
- rc148 is built with modified Hamlib code v20200123
やってしまいました(^_^;) ― 2020年02月22日 16時10分15秒
6m SSB で話しながらJTDXを起動したら、いつの間にか50.313MHzになっていて・・・
その時間帯50.313MHz をモニターしていらした方、すみませんでした・・・ ごめんなさい。