Facebook の6m band系の国際的なグループで、FT8でオープンがあったと書き込みされた人のスレに「アンチFT8」の人が「FT8はアマチュア無線ではない」「君のコンピューターが交信した」などと揶揄する書き込みをする。
私はFT8もRTTYも運用するし、CWやSSBでコンテストもする。かつてはFOXハンティングも楽しんだ。C4FMやWires、ECHO LINKには興味ないけどそれらの愛好者について悪口言ったことはない。
FT8 is not an amateur radio?
There are people who say that. And they discredit FT8 enthusiasts.
If you like FT8, you play FT8. If you don't like FT8, you don't play FT8. We should respect each other and not interfere with each other.
Some people say that FT8 is not amateur radio. But the fact is that it is "one of the mode".
Even RTTY doesn't talk into the radio. It relies on a rig or PC to decode. But no one says RTTY is not amateur radio, right?
Nowadays, there are many different fields in amateur radio. There may be some fields and modes that you are not interested in. But is it really a good thing to put down the enthusiasts?
There is no need to discredit them, because they are active in their own fields and modes of interest.
I also operate FT8 and RTTY, and I participate in CW/SSB contests. I also used to enjoy FOX hunts.
I have no interest about C4FM, Wires, or ECHO LINK, but I don't blame those enthusiasts. We are all fellow amateur radio enthusiast. There is a difference in taste though.