Non-Locking Pneumatic Mast system ― 2020年10月01日 10時15分14秒
Please trust your ears ― 2020年10月03日 21時18分59秒
コンテストにて、こんなのあり? ― 2020年10月05日 07時12分39秒
WSJT-X開発者チームメンバーからのALCに関するコメント ― 2020年10月07日 22時30分25秒
A lot of the information given about
transmitter ALC indication is worse than useless. You must first understand
what the ALC indication on your rig means. It is normally a measure of how much
gain reduction is being applied before the PA to limit the final output within
required levels. Without ALC the PA could be driven beyond its intended design
parameters. As such ALC indications are not harmful but there are circumstances
when high values might indicate a problem. Note that on some rigs the POWER or DRIVE
control is implemented with ALC so the indication may be high simply because
you have reduced the transmitter output, other rigs avoid that and ALC is not
skewed by power controls. So here are some things to watch for with ALC:
● when using a mode that requires linear amplification, like AM, voice
SSB, or PSK31, high levels of ALC may indicate compression of the output, which
in turn may distort the transmitted signal. That distortion may include
unwanted widening, e.g. the "splatter" often heard close in around
signals using too much drive. Note that for constant envelope modes like FM,
and the modes used in WSJT-X, except maybe MSK144, linear amplification is not
a requirement and high ALC indication may not be any problem at all, but see
● with narrow bandwidth constant envelope modes generated using AFSK with
an SSB transmitter high ALC *may* be a sign that too much audio drive is being
applied to the transmitter modulator. This is only the case when the applied
audio frequencies are attenuated because they are not within the passband of
the transmitters SSB Tx filter. To explain, imagine an audio tone of 3000 Hz
being applied to a typical SSB transmitter with an audio passband of 200 to
2800 Hz. To get any ALC indication the audio level would have to be huge
because it would be attenuated by ~40 dB (maybe more) by the Tx filter.
Applying an audio signal to the rig's modulator that is 40 dB higher than
necessary will inevitably cause distortion by clipping, which will result in a
signal rich in unwanted audio harmonics. With the case above the audio
harmonics would be above 3000 Hz so they are relatively harmless, being
attenuated even more than the wanted 3000 Hz signal, but imagine the case where
the tone is below 200 Hz!
So in summary, ALC is desirable so do not
equate ALC indication with incorrect set up, but be aware that it may indicate
a problem in some circumstances. What is essential is understanding how your
transmitter works and the consequences of using narrow band AFSK modes with an
SSB transmitter. High ALC indications may be an indication that audio drive
levels are too high, OTOH audio drive levels can also be excessive and causing
distortion with little or no ALC indication. Little or no ALC indication is not
a panacea leading to correct setup of your transmitter.
A good rule of thumb, that works with almost
every transmitter when using WSJT-X, is to set the audio level using a 1500 Hz
tone such that the transmitter ALC indication is within the manufacturer's
"safe" zone (usually indicated by a red marking over the lower 1/3 of
the meter scale). Do this with the transmitter power at maximum to avoid extra
ALC indication from the transmitter power control on some rigs, also use a well
matched dummy load as some rigs compensate for high VSWR by increasing ALC.
With the correct setup you should achieve about 90% of the transmitter's design
output at he point ALC indication starts, maximum power will be achieved as the
ALC indication approaches the top of the "safe" zone. Most of the
time power levels above 90% of your transmitter output are not needed so
restricting ALC indication to zero is OK, but be aware that alone does not mean
that you have correctly set up your system.
2020 全市全郡コンテストは ― 2020年10月12日 13時40分34秒

Hamlog QSL 定義 ― 2020年10月16日 12時32分47秒

JTDX is recommended ― 2020年10月25日 20時24分36秒
ICOMリグの設定について ― 2020年10月26日 09時10分39秒
JTDX WSJT-X の周波数較正 ― 2020年10月28日 14時18分35秒
