JT65 TX sequence on 6m band2017年06月07日 09時36分02秒

To all 6m JT65 lovers, I have a suggestion.

To make a Super DX with JT65 on 6m band multi-hop Es., we should keep quiet receiving environment.

Avoiding QRM from opposite sequence, let's think about your TX sequence.

Simply, Western area station TX in the even nubmer side, Eastern area station TX in the odd number side.

East or West, it's based on date change line.

For example, JA is located Far East. So always TX in the odd number side. USA is always in the even number side.

EU, when QSO with Asian station, TX  in the even number side, when QSO with USA or SA, TX in the odd number side.

Of course, there are exceptions, too. Please think about which area do you want to make a QSO. They are in the East from you? You will CQ  in the even number side. :)

Between EU and AF, AS and OC, NA and SA, it depends on the situation.

Most of JA already follow this practice.

This simple rule applies to the Super DX QSO with multi-hop Es and F2.

Short range international and domestic QSO are excluded.

How do you think? Thank you for reading my poor English.


JTDX 17.92017年06月07日 09時37分49秒

I read the release note of step42. We JA stations are welcome to expand the width from 3000Hz to 5000Hz I think.

I understood that our operating frequency will be between 50.276MHz to 50.281MHz. (set frequency dial 276-278)

This Summer season, we enjoy Super DX on 6m band with JT65 mode.
Multi-hop Es, it gives us an unexpected gift.

But we have a only one official operating frequency, 50.276MHz. 

In Japan, so many stations try to make a QSO with Super DX. However, also so many stations want to make a domestic QSO due they cannot receive Super DX signals. So this frequency is so crowded and QRM each other DX and domestic QSO.

I think we Japanese need some local rule that we should separate Japanese domestic QSO frequency from DX QSO frequency. For example, JA domestic QSO on 50.273MHz and DX QSO on the international standard frequency 50.276MHz. It has not been decided yet, still on the stage of the plan. Of course we will follow the international frequency plan..

I don't know any other country situation. Thus, I am looking for opinions for Japanese domestic operation of JT65 on 6m band from Japanese operator.

But I would like to know your situation on 6m band. The same things go on?